I hear so many great ideas and methods for success. They are from a variety of sources and have an even wider variety of application. It’s seems that most of the advice about how to manage time, resources, people, difficulties, challenges, setbacks, and any of the day-to-day challenges are presented from more of a ‘reflective’ position. Specifically, very few people write about those challenges in the moment and really display the full range of emotion, internal conflict, and real depth of the struggles. That seems to be the only part that really matters. Once an idea is distilled, reflected, or otherwise summarized to have the largest possible application, it can leave the reader somewhat confused regarding if or how the advice, technique or model really applies to their situation. It also seems to me that these ideas are typically presented as a singular action or focus that will impact and shape a person’s context or reality and create the results they desire. There is no silver bullet that works every time. Not there, doesn’t exist. The reality is that most of these topics really are different presentations of the same core theory or idea. The difficulty for most people is not in theory or method, the core difficulty for myself and the people I know is application. How do I apply this idea to my situation? Does this idea or technique actually apply to my situation? Continue reading