Life Expectations


Here it is again… That gut wrenching frustration and feeling of being stuck dealing with the same problems over and over again is so completely exhausting and depressing. You know what I mean! It’s that feeling that everyone is out to get you and that you have to work so hard only to gain such little ground. It always leaves me with the exhausted sense of despair and the lingering question: Why is life always so hard on me? Continue reading

A New Year, A New Me…



I find myself in yet another season of self discovery. This seems to go in 3-5 year waves and on the one hand is very discouraging and annoying. On the other hand, I feel quite fortunate to have such a multitude of opportunities to choose from on my horizon and I am thankful that I even have the time and possibility to make some core evaluations about what I really want to be in life and where I want to go.

It is always encouraging for me to look through my goals and the progress, or lack of progress, toward those goals. Some I have far exceeded, some I have not made any substantial progress worth noting, and others I have abandoned all together. Reviewing them periodically is quite encouraging from the perspective of remembering the previous season of live and starting to look toward my next horizon. It serves to close a chapter in a sense.

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