My First Guitar


I decided to learn to play guitar when I was about 11 or 12. Around this time I was spending quite a bit of time around some local coffee shops at acoustic concerts and shows. In the process I was able to get to know some musicians and learn about the gear I would need and what made the most sense for me in starting out. I met one particular guy who was in a few local groups that I followed. His name was “Bri,” because in the 90’s that was much cooler than Brian. Continue reading

Gifts & Talents



Jon was a drummer that I got to know through the band and singles group at my church. Getting to know Jon was also the first time that I specifically recall beginning to see the distinction between gifts and talents. I got to know Jon at a weekend youth camp where we played together in the band. After the evening events, Jon and I spent some time trading guitar licks and showing each other some stuff that we had made up. Jon had only recently picked up the guitar, having always played drums in the past, and I remember being amazed at the way he played the guitar. There was just something captivating about every aspect of his style. Part of it was the way he approached the instrument and handled it. Part of it was his comfort level in playing things that are not ‘supposed’ to sound good, at least when it comes to structured music theory. The most intriguing though was just how naturally the music seemed to flow out of him through the guitar. It was truly amazing! Continue reading