Taken for Granted


I’ve been pondering the term “taken for granted” lately. There are so many things in my life I always thought I would be able to rely on that have rapidly turned into things that are quickly evaporating. Those things I thought I could always count on, are turning into massive uncertainties. I know that a big part of that is just seasonality and part of the typical business cycle, part of it for me has been related to trying to delegate responsibilities and free myself from time consuming tasks that distract me from pursuing other interests. All of those lately has led me to profound conclusion that I am counting on things that really are not guaranteed or owed to me. I’ve been taking them for granted. I’ve been expecting things to work without really understanding what the underlying key factors that drive them are or fulling engaging myself in doing the work to ensure the deck is stacked in my favor as much as I possibly can.  Continue reading

What does Healthy leadership look like?


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As my personal responsibilities have grown and I have moved further into leadership roles in my family and at work I have been working to get a better understanding of what good leadership looks like. There are a number of methods I have encountered from a variety of people over the years. One commonality I have noticed is that each person has a different style and philosophy (some very thoughtful and formulated and some less theoretical and more practical) and that each leader has found some key points, habits, techniques, or whatever you want to call them that work for them.

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